Cats in Ink

Purring in our laps
Cats somehow make it easy
To love and be loved.

This was an especially fun commission to take on: a verbal and visual portrait of a man’s beloved cats, to be presented on his birthday. It inspired me to write several more poems about cats and their quirky ways, as well as our heart connection with them. I’m looking forward to illustrating those. And I’m in the midst of creating a goofy-sweet series about dogs that I’ll share soon.

I’d love to create more custom pieces about dogs and cats, so let me know if you would like to commission a piece about a favorite animal companion, for yourself or a friend. I will ask you to describe the animal and the relationship with its human, and to loan me some photos of the pet.

Whether about a beloved pet or anything else, custom haiku and paintings make very meaningful personal gifts. You can see my store page for more details.