Cats in Ink

Purring in our laps
Cats somehow make it easy
To love and be loved.

This was an especially fun commission to take on: a verbal and visual portrait of a man’s beloved cats, to be presented on his birthday. It inspired me to write several more poems about cats and their quirky ways, as well as our heart connection with them. I’m looking forward to illustrating those. And I’m in the midst of creating a goofy-sweet series about dogs that I’ll share soon.

We Lift Our Voices

We lift our voices
We join our breath together
Rejoicing in song.

I painted this piece yesterday to donate to the Arcata Interfaith Gospel Choir for the silent auction at the Prayer Breakfast and Gospel Concert we are holding this coming Sunday. I’ve been singing with this wonderful group for about five years. We perform joyous, lively and healing gospel music at venues around Humboldt County: in addition to putting on our own concerts, we perform at churches, fairs, and for inmates at the county jail.